EasyHTML ver 1.02 released!
- FIX: incorrect interaction with PDF viewer (Acrobat Reader)
- NEW: property EmulateShiftEnter(bool): when TRUE, <Enter> inserts <BR> tag (line break) instead of <P> tag (new paragraph)
- CHG: EasyHtml.dll version
- CHG: TRN files now support toolbar and context submenu images (ex.: toolstripFormatBold_image=.\Resources\Bold.jpg)
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan. |
EasyHTML ver 1.01 released!
- NEW: method InsertStyleSource(STRING styleSource) inserts inline style source into the document.
- NEW: method InsertScriptSource(STRING scriptSource) inserts inline script source into the document.
- NEW: property TrnFile(STRING pFile) sets or gets translation file that can enable you to translate HTML control's interface to any language.
- Improved: support for HTML5.
- CHG: Html Editor example:
- added buttons for inserting inline styles and scripts,
- added dropdown to choose toolbar docking style,
- added button to select translation file. Sample translation file for English, Italian, Dutch and Russian included.
Updated DEMO application.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan. |
EasyHTML ver 1.00 released!
EasyHTML is a Clarion wrapper around a .NET assembly DLL for working with HTML control in Clarion easily.
Key features:
- Provides WYSIWYG editing / browsing capabilities (Standard Text Editing, loading, saving etc) based on WebBrowser control
- Full UNICODE support
- Built-in RTF to HTML/XML/TEXT and HTML to RTF converter
- Printing HTML in standard Clarion report
- Easy to implement
- Enable Registration-Free Activation - a mechanism that enables easy deployment of COM components to a machine without the need to register them
- Deploying your application - Besides an usual exe, dll etc files you should ship just one small dll (.NET assembly DLL) with your end-user application