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Defines the kinds of System.Uris for the IsWellFormedUriString() and several Uri.#ctor methods.
UriKind::RelativeOrAbsolute EQUATE(0) !- The kind of the Uri is indeterminate.
UriKind::Absolute EQUATE(1) !- The Uri is an absolute Uri.
UriKind::Relative EQUATE(2) !- The Uri is a relative Uri.
Defines host name types for the CheckHostName(String) method.
UriHostNameTypeEnum EQUATE(LONG)
UriHostNameType::Unknown EQUATE(0) !- The type of the host name is not supplied.
UriHostNameType::Basic EQUATE(1) !- The host is set, but the type cannot be determined.
UriHostNameType::Dns EQUATE(2) !- The host name is a domain name system (DNS) style host name.
UriHostNameType::IPv4 EQUATE(3) !- The host name is an Internet Protocol (IP) version 4 host address.
UriHostNameType::IPv6 EQUATE(4) !- The host name is an Internet Protocol (IP) version 6 host address.
Specifies the parts of a System.Uri.
UriComponentsEnum EQUATE(LONG)
UriComponents::SerializationInfoString EQUATE(80000000h) !- The complete System.Uri context that is needed for Uri Serializers. The context includes the IPv6 scope.
UriComponents::Scheme EQUATE(00000001h) !- The System.Uri.Scheme data.
UriComponents::UserInfo EQUATE(00000002h) !- The System.Uri.UserInfo data.
UriComponents::Host EQUATE(00000004h) !- The System.Uri.Host data.
UriComponents::Port EQUATE(00000008h) !- The System.Uri.Port data.
UriComponents::SchemeAndServer EQUATE(UriComponents::Scheme+UriComponents::Host+UriComponents::Port) !- The System.Uri.Scheme, System.Uri.Host, and System.Uri.Port data.
UriComponents::Path EQUATE(00000010h) !- The System.Uri.LocalPath data.
UriComponents::Query EQUATE(00000020h) !- The System.Uri.Query data.
UriComponents::PathAndQuery EQUATE(UriComponents::Path+UriComponents::Query) !- The System.Uri.LocalPath and System.Uri.Query data. Also see System.Uri.PathAndQuery.
UriComponents::HttpRequestUrl EQUATE(UriComponents::SchemeAndServer+UriComponents::PathAndQuery) !- The System.Uri.Scheme, System.Uri.Host, System.Uri.Port, System.Uri.LocalPath, and System.Uri.Query data.
UriComponents::Fragment EQUATE(00000040h) !- The System.Uri.Fragment data.
UriComponents::AbsoluteUri EQUATE(UriComponents::SchemeAndServer+UriComponents::UserInfo+UriComponents::PathAndQuery+UriComponents::Fragment)
UriComponents::StrongPort EQUATE(00000080h) !- The System.Uri.Port data. If no port data is in the System.Uri and a default port has been assigned to the System.Uri.Scheme, the default port is returned. If there is no default port, -1 is returned.
UriComponents::HostAndPort EQUATE(UriComponents::Host+UriComponents::StrongPort) !- The System.Uri.Host and System.Uri.Port data. If no port data is in the Uri and a default port has been assigned to the System.Uri.Scheme, the default port is returned. If there is no default port, -1 is returned.
UriComponents::StrongAuthority EQUATE(UriComponents::HostAndPort+UriComponents::UserInfo) !- The System.Uri.UserInfo, System.Uri.Host, and System.Uri.Port data. If no port data is in the System.Uri and a default port has been assigned to the System.Uri.Scheme, the default port is returned. If there is no default port, -1 is returned.
UriComponents::KeepDelimiter EQUATE(40000000h) !- Specifies that the delimiter should be included.
Controls how URI information is escaped.
UriFormatEnum EQUATE(LONG)
UriFormat::UriEscaped EQUATE(1) !- Escaping is performed according to the rules in RFC 2396.
UriFormatm::Unescaped EQUATE(2) !- No escaping is performed.
UriFormat::SafeUnescaped EQUATE(3) !- Characters that have a reserved meaning in the requested URI components remain escaped. All others are not escaped.
Specifies the culture, case, and sort rules to be used by certain overloads of Compare() and Equals() methods.
StringComparisonEnum EQUATE(LONG)
StringComparison::CurrentCulture EQUATE(0) !- Compare strings using culture-sensitive sort rules and the current culture.
StringComparison::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase EQUATE(1) !- Compare strings using culture-sensitive sort rules, the current culture, and ignoring the case of the strings being compared.
StringComparison::InvariantCulture EQUATE(2) !- Compare strings using culture-sensitive sort rules and the invariant culture.
StringComparison::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase EQUATE(3) !- Compare strings using culture-sensitive sort rules, the invariant culture, and ignoring the case of the strings being compared.
StringComparison::Ordinal EQUATE(4) !- Compare strings using ordinal sort rules.
StringComparison::OrdinalIgnoreCase EQUATE(5) !- Compare strings using ordinal sort rules and ignoring the case of the strings being compared.
Defines the parts of a URI for the GetLeftPart method.
UriPartialEnum EQUATE(LONG)
UriPartial::Scheme EQUATE(0) !- The scheme segment of the URI.
UriPartial::Authority EQUATE(1) !- The scheme and authority segments of the URI.
UriPartial::Path EQUATE(2) !- The scheme, authority, and path segments of the URI.
UriPartial::Query EQUATE(3) !- The scheme, authority, path, and query segments of the URI.