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!Audio types of toast notifications
ToastAudio::Default EQUATE(0)
ToastAudio::IM EQUATE(1) !Scenario: A new instant messenger notification has arrived.
ToastAudio::Mail EQUATE(2) !Scenario: A new e-mail has arrived.
ToastAudio::Reminder EQUATE(3) !Scenario: A calendar item is due.
ToastAudio::SMS EQUATE(4) !Scenario: A new text message has arrived.
ToastAudio::LoopingAlarm EQUATE(5) !Scenario: A countdown stopwatch has reached 0.
ToastAudio::LoopingAlarm2 EQUATE(6) !Scenario: A countdown stopwatch has reached 0.
ToastAudio::LoopingAlarm3 EQUATE(7) !Scenario: A countdown stopwatch has reached 0.
ToastAudio::LoopingAlarm4 EQUATE(8) !Scenario: A countdown stopwatch has reached 0.
ToastAudio::LoopingAlarm5 EQUATE(9) !Scenario: A countdown stopwatch has reached 0.
ToastAudio::LoopingAlarm6 EQUATE(10) !Scenario: A countdown stopwatch has reached 0.
ToastAudio::LoopingAlarm7 EQUATE(11) !Scenario: A countdown stopwatch has reached 0.
ToastAudio::LoopingAlarm8 EQUATE(12) !Scenario: A countdown stopwatch has reached 0.
ToastAudio::LoopingAlarm9 EQUATE(13) !Scenario: A countdown stopwatch has reached 0.
ToastAudio::LoopingAlarm10 EQUATE(14) !Scenario: A countdown stopwatch has reached 0.
ToastAudio::LoopingCall EQUATE(15) !Scenario: An incoming phone call.
ToastAudio::LoopingCall2 EQUATE(16) !Scenario: An incoming phone call.
ToastAudio::LoopingCall3 EQUATE(17) !Scenario: An incoming phone call.
ToastAudio::LoopingCall4 EQUATE(18) !Scenario: An incoming phone call.
ToastAudio::LoopingCall5 EQUATE(19) !Scenario: An incoming phone call.
ToastAudio::LoopingCall6 EQUATE(20) !Scenario: An incoming phone call.
ToastAudio::LoopingCall7 EQUATE(21) !Scenario: An incoming phone call.
ToastAudio::LoopingCall8 EQUATE(22) !Scenario: An incoming phone call.
ToastAudio::LoopingCall9 EQUATE(23) !Scenario: An incoming phone call.
ToastAudio::LoopingCall10 EQUATE(24) !Scenario: An incoming phone call.
ToastAudio::Silent EQUATE(25) !No sound
!Window states of shortcut
WindowState EQUATE(LONG)
WindowState::Normal EQUATE(0) !Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and position.
WindowState::Maximized EQUATE(1) !Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window.
WindowState::Minimized EQUATE(2) !Displays the window in its minimized state, leaving the currently active window as active.
!Toast request container
ToastTitle STRING(128) !Toast title (optional)
ToastBody STRING(1024) !Toast body (required for toast). Can be a list of strings, delimited by '|'.
ToastLogoFilePath STRING(256) !Logo image file path of toast (optional)
ToastAudio ToastAudio !Audio type of toast (optional)
ShortcutFileName STRING(256) !Shortcut file name to be installed in Start menu (required for shortcut)
ShortcutTargetFilePath STRING(256) !Target file path of shortcut (required for shortcut)
ShortcutArguments STRING(256) !Arguments of shortcut (optional)
ShortcutComment STRING(256) !Comment of shortcut (optional)
ShortcutWorkingFolder STRING(256) !Working folder of shortcut (optional)
ShortcutWindowState WindowState !Window state of shortcut (optional)
ShortcutIconFilePath STRING(256) !Icon file path of shortcut (optional), If not specified, target file path will be used.
AppId STRING(128) !AppUserModelID of application (required). An AppUserModelID must be in the following form:
!It can have no more than 128 characters and cannot contain spaces. Each section should be
!camel-cased. CompanyName and ProductName should always be used, while SubProduct and VersionInformation are optional.
ActivatorId STRING(36) !AppUserModelToastActivatorCLSID of application (optional, for Action Center of Windows 10). This CLSID is necessary for an application to be started by COM.
WaitingDuration TIME !Waiting duration before showing a toast after the shortcut file is installed (optional)
Tag STRING(256) !User-defined data
ToastXml ANY !XML representation of toast (optional). If specified, this XML will be used for a toast as it is. The other toast elements will be ignored.
FireOnDismiss BOOL !Fire event on dismiss
FireOnFail BOOL !Fire event on fail
!Result types of toast notifications
ToastResult::Unavailable EQUATE(0) !Toast notification is unavailable on current OS.
ToastResult::Invalid EQUATE(1) !Toast request is invalid.
ToastResult::Activated EQUATE(2) !The user activated the toast.
ToastResult::AppHidden EQUATE(3) !The application hid the toast using ToastNotifier.hide method.
ToastResult::UserCanceled EQUATE(4) !The user dismissed the toast.
ToastResult::TimedOut EQUATE(5) !The toast has timed out.
ToastResult::Failed EQUATE(6) !The toast encountered an error.